Diplomatic and Consular Staff

New York City is the diplomatic capital of the world. With the United Nations here as well as over 100 consulates, there is a lot of moving done to and from New York and the Tri-State area.

Please contact us so you can find out about our great prices and excellent service for diplomats and consular staff.


If you are a diplomat, relocation is part of your profession. You tick off each of the six continents along your journey.

Given this, you know what the moving process entails. You want your things taken care of like you would take care of them. Door to door service that will ensure that everything ends up at the other end in one piece.

With our 20+ years of experience, we take care of the moving process so you can devote your time and energy to other aspects of the move.

Whether you moving across the street or across the globe we will ensure that you are looked after.


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