
Things You Should Know Before Moving to India

A few years ago, moving to India would probably not have been given much consideration. However, India has become a very powerful nation globally, both politically and economically. With a current population of nearly 1.14 billion, this democratic nation has the world’s second largest population. About 70% of the people live in rural areas, but a current influx of people to the larger cities of India is quickly changing that…

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Ten Tips for Moving Your Pets Internationally

When moving overseas, there are so many things to remember. There are deadlines, regulations, passports, visas, things to turn off, things to turn on, accounts to cancel and new accounts to open. It truly can be a never-ending roller coaster of events and emotions. Some things will go as planned, while other things just seem to fall apart. In fact, one phone call can truly make or break your entire week…

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Choosing an International Moving Company

Finding a company that will move your belongings overseas is a big step in the moving process. You must consider costs, customer service, time frame, etc. Of course, knowing all of these things will require some work on your part, but it will be well worth it to find a moving company that will give you top performance and great service as you make your international move…

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Life in the Far East

Life in the Far East is quite different than in the western part of the world. There are many factors that play into these differences. Due to many eastern countries manufacturing much of the goods from the western world, some employers are finding it necessary to ask some of their employees to consider moving to an eastern country. However, it can be quite a shock for a westerner to move to a Far East country because the culture is so different…

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