relocation agentIf you are interested in a career as a relocation professional, you’re in luck! With corporate expansion into the international arena on the rise and global travel easier than ever before, the relocation industry is booming – which means plenty of job opportunities in what could be an exciting and growing career.

Contrary to popular understanding, working in relocation goes far beyond helping people ship their belongings overseas, assisting employees in finding housing or schools for their children, and cultural training. There are not only numerous job opportunities and positions which fall under the broader umbrella of ‘relocation,’ but with mobile workforces increasingly becoming the corporate norm, you could become a key player in the success of a company and work your way up corporate ladder.

If you are not sure what a career in relocation involves, a good place to begin is to look up companies which provide relocation services and find out what types of job exist within the field, what the various job titles are responsible for, what levels of education or experience are required, and how you can train for a job in the profession. Some newcomers go as far as seeking a mentor in the field who can provide them with invaluable information and an insider’s view and outlook.

As you do your homeowork, what you will discover is that the players in the relocation chain go far beyond working in a firm’s human resources (HR) department or for a relocation management company (RMC). There is a whole host of service providers which support the mobile workforce process, including hospitality services, airlines and travel agents, housing companies, moving/shipping firms, banks, mortgage companies, cultural trainers, language tutors, and more. Moreover, as global relocation activity continues to increase, more and more companies will begin to outsource their employee relocation programs third-party RMCs, meaning plenty of career opportunities for aspiring individuals.

In addition to the inherent rewards of helping companies find solutions to problems and successfully relocate their global workforce, some of the perks of working in the relocation industry include the opportunity to receive an expat assignment and travel around the globe, the chance to network with other relocation managers, the opportunity to gain experience in a wide variety of capacities and hence increase your net value, and the opportunity to sharpen your existing problem-solving skills.

Indeed, some of the characteristics of a successful professional in the relocation business include:

  • Excellent people skills

  • Top-notch communication skills
  • Ability to work under pressure

  • Above-average organizations skills

  • Creative problem solver

  • Integrity

  • Commitment

  • Responsible

  • Ability to anticipate and knock down obstacles as they arise

  • Ability to provide empathic support
  • Genuine desire to help and service others

No matter which career path you decide to pursue within the relocation industry, one thing is for certain: With the mobile workforce trend showing no signs of relocation issuesslowing down any time soon, you are in for an exciting ride in what could be a lucrative profession in an ever-growing field.

For information on all the latest trends, tools, and resources in the realm of relocation, check out the website of the official workforce mobility association: Worldwide ERC. If you are serious about pursuing a career in the relocation industry, be sure to attend events organized by Worldwide ERC and participate in seminars, conferences, and educational forums offered to relocation professionals.

Author byline

Einat Mazafi is the owner of NYShipping, an International Shipping and moving company based in New York. She is also a specialist in providing the best relocation solutions to clients worldwide.

Written by Rank Dev