If you are a corporate or government professional responsible for your company’s mobility program, get out your calendars and mark off May 15-17, 2013, to attend the 2013 National Relocation Conference, which will take place at theManchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California.

Hosted by Worldwide ERC, the recognized and renowned authority on workforce mobility, the conference is but one of the organization’s many hands-on workshops and educational programs which have trained over 300,000 professionals in the industry. In addition to learning about the latest policy issues,National Relocation Conference 2013 attendees can expect to learn about current best practices and emerging trends and to participate in discussions and educational sessions concerning practical solutions to U.S. domestic mobility challenges.

A critical part of any global workforce management practice is an effective workforce mobility program. To enhance their specialized skills and knowledge, workforce mobility experts are encouraged to pursue ongoing education, connect with thought leaders in the industry, and network with the community of professionals who participate in Worldwide ERC events.

Established in 1964 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., Worldwide ERC boasts over 12,000 members who are involved in managing or servicing a mobile workforce. Mobility professionals from all over the world – as well as the media and business communities – turn to Worldwide ERC to learn about the latest trends and issues. Through the various programs offered, members also learn how to make astute business decisions, position themselves strategically in the marketplace, and reduce costs for their companies and customers.

erc 2013

Why attend the National Relocation Conference 2013? Here are some top reasons:

  • To network with other corporate representatives and benchmark with leading mobility professionals
  • To learn about challenges and solutions to workforce mobility
  • To come away with strategies and ideas which you can implement immediately
  • To identify where your company can save costs and discover tools which will streamline your process
  • To make sure your current policies and procedures are compliant
  • To make sure assignments are cost-effective for your company
  • To choose between over 25 educational sessions
  • To earn certified relocation professional (CRP) credits
  • To be able share the information you learn with your colleagues

The keynote speaker at the 2013 National Relocation Conference will be Kevin Carroll, whose keynote address will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2013. An innovator who has been inspirational in guiding leaders to make sustainable change in their own organizations, Carroll will discuss the relevance of passion and creativity of play in the business world, including how to introduce creativity and passion into an organization, how to capitalize on the power of ‘purposeful play’ to impact leadership and employee quality of life, and how to tap into one’s creative genius.

That’s not all you’ll get when you attend the Worldwide ERC Foundation annual conference. The event includes:

  • A Foundation Golf Tournament (to be held on Wednesday May 15, 2013)
  • A Foundation walk in San Diego to raise money for charity
  • An opening reception with outstanding exhibits to kick off the conference
  • A YP40 reception for young professionals under 40 to connect with each other
  • Daily luncheons
  • A closing session wherein Craig Karges will present “Ignite Your Intuition”
  • A farewell networking reception where you can mingle one last time and exchange business cards with new friends and colleagues



Author byline 

Einat Mazafi is the owner of NY International Shipping, an International Shipping and moving company based in New York. She is also a specialist in providing the best relocation solutions to clients worldwide.

Written by Rank Dev