According to the latest poll conducted by Hydrogen, the global recruitment company, the United States currently ranks number one in desirable work locations for professionals. Second in line is the UK, ousting the spot previously held by Australia, which now ranks third in the standings. The survey interviewed over 2,000 people in over 90 countries. And what are today’s primary motivating factors for professionals relocating overseas? While the potential to earn more is still among the top three reasons, the leading motivators are better career opportunities and the chance for new experiences.

If you’re joining the ranks of the over 200 million people worldwide who are leaving their homes to roam the globe in pursuit of their career goals and dreams, here’s the scoop on who’s moving where and why.

The top preferences for professionals on the move are developed countries, including the United States, the UK, Australia, Singapore, Canada, and Switzerland. Also on the list of popular work destinations are the United Arab Emirate (UAE), Hong Kong, and Spain.

As far as the UK, Britain’s reputation as a hub for expanding technologies continues to grow; consequently, Europeans are trending towards the UK to take jobs with up-and-coming companies. The UK is also the second favorite global choice for professionals working in law, life sciences, and finances. Australia is best known for its high quality of life and professional sectors, which include the oil and gas industry, finances and life sciences, and law and technology. Interestingly, African countries are now also on the list of relocation destinations for professionals, reflecting the growing employment opportunities there.

According to the recent Hydrogen poll, a resounding majority of foreign professionals are happy with their move; a whopping 86% of those interviewed stated that they had stayed overseas longer than originally intended.

Here are some the top reasons professionals are relocating to work overseas:

  • A growing awareness of the 21st century reality that international experience is key to career development and success, opening many doors for future opportunities
  • A growing recognition that top-brass jobs at leading companies require international experience
  • Opportunity to grow as a skilled professional (accessing job opportunities not available in your home country)

  • Understanding that working abroad is an effective way to fast-track one’s career
  • Opportunity to improve foreign language skills
  • Travel the world and enjoy diverse cultures and traditions

  • Earn a higher salary

  • Develop diverse talents/qualities above and beyond your job skills, making you a serious contender and magnet for employers in the sphere of working abroad (i.e. qualities such as flexibility, the ability to adapt, sharp decision-making skills, cultural awareness, and enhanced communication skills)

Wherever your international work aspirations end up taking you, don’t forget to check out our International Moving Checklist. It will keep you and your family on track and ensure that all your ducks are in a row as you embark on the career relocation trip of a lifetime!


Einat Mazafi is the owner of NY International Shipping, an International Shipping and moving company based in New York. She is also a specialist in providing the best relocation solutions to clients worldwide.

Written by Rank Dev