
How to Prepare for Studying Overseas

So you’ve been accepted to a terrific study abroad program and can’t wait to start your overseas adventure. To make the most out of your experience, follow these expert tips on how to prepare for studying overseas. Passport and Visa Without a valid passport and student visa, you’re not going to get very far off the ground! Be sure your passport is up to date, giving yourself at least three months to apply for a new passport. If you intend to return to your home country, be sure your passport will not expire within six months of your intended date of return. If this is your first time getting a passport, you will need:   Birth certificate Two passport-sized photos ...

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British Expat Wave

Brits are on the move – heading away from their home country to relocate abroad. Why? With UK inflation on the rise and better salaries awaiting them in foreign countries, more and more Brits are making the move, taking advantage of more lucrative career opportunities and offering their families a better life. According to statistics, as of 2013, almost 1/3 of Brits are earning a living abroad, compared to only 27% in 2012. Other UK residents head abroad to study and attend college and enjoy the experience of a lifetime. According to a 2013 study, a growing number of Brits are dissatisfied with the UK’s stagnant economy, where unemployment levels have remained constant, where inflation rates have not budged from ...

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National Relocation Conference 2013

If you are a corporate or government professional responsible for your company’s mobility program, get out your calendars and mark off May 15-17, 2013, to attend the 2013 National Relocation Conference, which will take place at theManchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. Hosted by Worldwide ERC, the recognized and renowned authority on workforce mobility, the conference is but one of the organization’s many hands-on workshops and educational programs which have trained over 300,000 professionals in the industry. In addition to learning about the latest policy issues,National Relocation Conference 2013 attendees can expect to learn about current best practices and emerging trends and to participate in discussions and educational sessions concerning practical solutions to U.S. domestic mobility challenges. A critical ...

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Self Storage Solutions

With the rising costs of home and office spaces, and with increasing space constraints worldwide, more and more people are turning to self-storage solutions to house, their goods and belongings. Also known as do-it-yourself storage and self-service storage, self-storage allows people to rent storage space in specialized facilities where the services offered far exceed those offered by conventional warehouses. The greatest users of self-storage are people moving from a large house to a smaller unit, expatriates whose new abode is too small to store all of their belongings, foreign workers who are looking for a cost-effective way to store their possessions while they are away on assignment, and people who are renovating. Typically, self-storage facilities are used to house items such ...

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working womens’ luncheon

The Working Women’s Business Luncheon 2013 is fast approaching, considered the event of the year for women execs. Providing a golden opportunity to powwow and network with over 500 professional women and business owners from the gamut of industries, the Working Women’s Luncheon is a highly event coveted with 13 years of success under its belt. The event has been hosted by Pat Carroll, co-anchor of the WCBS 880 Morning News, since its inception in 2001, and attracts accomplished women from the worlds of finance, business, real estate, government, arts, and sciences. Featuring guest speakers who are top in their fields, the luncheon attendees receive advice, inspiration, and a chance to learn and grow from the professional and personal experiences ...

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Pregnant Flying – Should I or Should I Not?

If you are pregnant, you no doubt find yourself asking: Is it safe to… (exercise, take a hot bath, eat processed cheese, etc.)? One common concern during pregnancy involves flying. Is it safe to travel by plane when you’re pregnant? The answer, like most answers for expectant women is: It depends. While it is generally safe to fly when you’re pregnant, even into the third trimester, the further along you are in your pregnancy, the more concerns and more precautions you must take.  Furthermore, what is considered safe for one expecting mother may not be advisable for anther since medical history plays a big part in the decision as well. The good news is that if you are cleared by ...

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Island on the Stream – Shattered Dreams in Cyprus

Many British expats living in Cyprus have been enraged to find out that they do not have access to the money they have deposited into local banks due to the Cyprus bank bailouts. Near the end of last month, thousands of expats were told they would be unable to withdraw money from their accounts with Cyprus banks and were instructed to instead use money from their British accounts. Even online transactions could not be completed as a result of the fiasco.  The issue was not only inconvenient, but was also a huge shock for expats who never even thought this would be a possibility. One expat interviewed by CNBC, Jean Stark, stated: “It was a huge shock. We hadn’t expected ...

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Relocation to a New Country Part 3: Integration

Packed, travelled, landed, unpacked, settled. The first few months in your new home, in the a new country have been hectic and a little crazy. You’ve been taking care of all the minute details which go into an overseas move: job searching, apartment hunting, finding schools for your kids, setting up a bank account, dealing with bureaucracy, filling out paperwork, etc. Your jetlag is finally behind you and the culture shock is wearing off. Now, it’s time to actually settle into your new surroundings and make your home a home. Moving to a New Country is Overwhelming Moving to another country may be exciting and full of promise, but there is no doubt about it: The experience can be overwhelming, ...

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Educating Your Kids Overseas

The thought of educating children in a new country, often speaking a foreign language, can be frightening at times. Fortunately, there are several educational choices available, each with their own set of pros and cons. While you can search the Internet for information on each of the schools in your area, it often pays to listen to the advice of those who have traveled this road before you and who have been through this same experience with their own children. To help you get a better understanding of the ins and outs of local schools versus international schools and of the costs involved in educating a child abroad, here is some advice from expats who have come before you.   ...

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Returning Home – A Crash Course in Settling Back

Reverse culture shock is something that many expatriates experience when returning home after living in a different country for an extended period of time. Adjusting to being back in the U.S is much more difficult that people usually expect. The longer a person has been away, the more difficult it is to find again the place in the old “new” country.   Why Repatriation is Difficult Repatriation is difficult for the same reasons that living abroad is difficult. A person is being forced to change what they have grown accustomed to and what they already considered as “normal”. After spending a couple of years in certain European countries, driving on the left side of the road becomes standard. Coming back ...

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