Categories ArchivesMoving

What to Bring or Leave Behind on an International Move

One of the most important things you have to do when you are moving abroad is decide what to take and what to leave behind. This is where the maxim “travelling light” comes into play. You have to be tough and brutally strict with yourself and your family about what to pack for an international move: what you absolutely cannot do without, what you think you might need and what would just be nice to have along. Only the first category goes on your moving checklist which you must stick to so you won’t become totally bogged down in superfluous stuff, which will just hamper you, slow you down and probably make moving overseas a lot more expensive than it ...

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Long distance love: Following your partner to the ends of the earth

A wise soul once said, “long distance relationships do not rely on physical love, long distance relationships are driven by the love that inspires your heart, mind and soul.” It’s tough to be a romantic in this day and age, but it’s still possible to believe in true love, that soul mates exist, long distance can work, and that love at first sight does happen. A surprising number of people have married and lived happy lives together based on a long distance courtship. One woman’s story She met her husband-to-be when she sat down next to him on a Greyhound bus in Reno, Nevada, in 1987. Mona H. had wanted to take the bus so she could peer out the ...

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Romantic Traditions from Around the World

Love makes the world go round, so the saying goes…and people in different countries have different ways of declaring their undying devotion. From literally wearing your heart on your sleeve to sending pressed white flowers to the object of your affections, you will experience a wide range of Valentine’s Day traditions when moving abroad for international relocation. Just as we looked at holiday foods from around the world, let’s have a look at Valentine’s Day traditions from 10 different countries you might be moving overseas to: 1. Japan Japanese Valentine’s tradition switches traditional gender roles, with women presenting chocolates – “Giri Choco” – to men instead of vice versa. This does not necessarily have a romantic association as they’re given ...

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Foodstagrammer Paradises throughout the World

Now that you’re moving overseas, one of the most important things you’ll be discovering is new food. Depending on your tastes – and your sense of adventure – you will have an exciting gastronomic experience touring the restaurants and eateries of your new city and region. Don’t be too locked in to just visiting well-known restaurants in the city when living abroad: get out into the countryside, find villages and “hole-in-the-wall” restaurants. That’s where you’ll probably find the most amazing – and ethnically authentic – dishes and snacks. Just about everyone likes seeing pictures of what other people are eating, so I’ve developed this Foodstagrammer’s guide to the most popular foods from around the world found on Instagram. Some of ...

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A New Home at New Year’s: 7 Steps to Making It Yours

All the planning, shopping, doubts and fears of moving abroad are behind you. Now you’re finally moving to a new home abroad, and you will start the New Year off with a bang! Moving is a huge change, so you might think you do not need to make other New Year’s resolutions. But, that is totally wrong – you need to make at least 7 more resolutions to make your new home “yours” right from the very first day. 1. Be practical: International relocation is stressful, no matter how well prepared you are. But the first rule is: “Don’t rush or panic!” Just be practical. The most important rooms you will need to get set up quickly are the bedrooms. ...

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15 Holiday Treats from Around the World

If you have just moved to another part of the world (or if you are planning on doing so), you are going to notice many traditions and customs you are not familiar with. In today’s multi-cultural, connected world, the entire planet seems to be celebrating something at this time of the year, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Three Kings Day. There are a host of other holidays, religious and secular, that most people are gearing up for. Despite the cultural and religious differences between each of these feast days, and the risk of culture shock in trying to understand them, there is one thing that they all have in common: scrumptious, delicious food! Let’s dive in to a variety ...

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Top 10 International Shipping Tips to be Thankful for

Now that you have confirmed your move abroad, it’s time to start planning how to relocate your entire life across the ocean in the most efficient way possible. It’s not just a matter of getting the family (and possibly the family pet) on a plane with their luggage, but your entire household, and maybe even your car, needs to be moved. With Thanksgiving coming up, we will give you 10 international moving tips that you can truly be thankful for: 1: The shipping company Moving the entirety of your belongings overseas requires more than just a couple of suitcases – you will most likely need to ship many of your things either by sea or by air.  When searching for ...

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New Family on the Block: How to Meet Your Neighbors After Moving

You’ve just moved into your new home in your new town, and your family is busy deciding where the TV be placed and how to position the furniture. Movers are swarming all over your new home, and it feels like you’ll never be sane again. Then, along comes a new neighbor with an apple pie and a tray of tea, coffee, or cold drinks, and your faith in humanity is restored. This is the standard scenario we’ve all come to expect when we move into a new neighborhood. But how many of us actually reciprocate once moving day is done and the dust settles? What should you do to be accepted in the community? Here is a list of tips, ...

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Pregnant and Relocating: How to Ease Moving Pains without Epidural

Relocating while pregnant probably tops the list of things to be avoided, if possible. But sometimes the timing of life events is not always in your hands.  Here are 9 tips to ease the some of the pain, in the hope that once your new addition arrives, you’ll be well settled in and ready to welcome him or her to your new family home. The most important bit of general advice we can offer is: plan as far in advance as possible, and do your research. This may not always be possible, and sometimes there are last-minute unforeseen circumstances, but generally, you should have quite a bit of time to get organized. Research Check out your new town for medical ...

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The Top 10 Ways that Children Benefit from Moving Internationally

It’s finally come through! That longed for promotion with a company-paid relocation to an exotic foreign country with all the perks, excitement…and anxiety. It will be great for you or your partner; settling in to a new position, meeting new people, exploring new ways of doing business. But what about your kids? How will they adapt, how will they handle this move away from their friends, school, and familiar environment? How will they be influenced by a completely different language and cultural behavior? They will become “Third Culture Kids” (TCKs), a term that was coined for expatriate children by American sociologist Ruth Hill Useem in her sociological studies of children who have spent a significant period of their childhood or ...

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