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Preparing for an International Move: Moving Checklist

International moves are much easier with some planning and a helpful checklist Making a move internationally is a big life change, and without the proper checklists, it’s easy to forget important items or tasks. Make sure you’ve got everything accomplished by preparing ahead of time using checklists as a guide. Before Moving Day   Downsize your belongings Get rid of as much as you comfortably can if you’re planning to take your household with you. For example, you probably won’t need to take along large appliances, and those can be sold for some extra money before you go. Consider holding a garage sale to help you lessen your load and earn some money at the same time.   Get documents ...

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Don’t Forget! Useful Checklists for Container Shipping

By using a checklist and container shipping services, you’ll be well prepared for your move to your new home When you’re preparing to make a big move overseas, container shipping is the way to go. Creating a useful checklist will help you to make sure that you’ve got everything covered before you start the process. Once you know what you’re taking with you overseas and have pared down your belongings with a garage sale, it’s time to look at how you’ll get the rest of your important items to your new home. NY International Shipping has got you covered with our container shipping services. Offering the most competitive rates you can find, NY International Shipping will pack your goods and ...

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Tips for Brits in the USA

Whether your current job is growing dull, your lust for adventure is bubbling, or you’re simply spellbound by the possibilities North America presents, you’re certainly not alone. For countless reasons, people from all over the world consider relocating to the United States of America. For British expats in the United States in particular, finding employment in the USA can be an awfully appealing proposition, but making the dream come true is an arduous task nonetheless. It takes great patience and meticulous preparation. Acquiring Your Visa Truth be told, your best chance of landing a job in the United States is through an intra-company transfer or relocation. Granted, it’s not your only option, but if your current employer has US-based subsidiaries ...

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2014’s Expat Insights

As 2014 draws to an end, stats are being gathered about the year: we know about the top-grossing movies, the most successful companies, the most tweeted celebrities, and much more. But, to us, one of the most important insights to explore is about Expats and their experiences in their new homes. A survey was recently conducted of almost 14,000 expatriates from over 160 countries and their life experiences in their new countries. The survey focused on areas that are very interesting: general quality of life, working abroad, family life, leisure and making friends abroad, international romance and expat relationships, and personal finances. The findings are enlightening: they make us better relate to the experience and understand that we are not ...

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Celebrating Thanksgiving Abroad

For Americans and Canadians, Thanksgiving is a time of hearty food, family, and treasured traditions. Unfortunately for expatriates, in most of the world Thanksgiving is not a fixed cultural holiday, and is not often celebrated outside of expatriate communities. The idea of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest is not new by any means. Celebrations of thanksgiving have been practiced by cultures around the world, for as long as people’s fates have been connected to the bounty of the land. While disputes over when the first Thanksgiving celebration in the New World actually took place abound, the American and Canadian holidays celebrated today are fairly new; Thanksgiving has only been formally celebrated each year in the United States since 1941, ...

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Immunizations for Relocation: Requirements and Validity

Before your move abroad, make sure you’re up-to-date when it comes to your immunizations Immunizations are a vital part of your health, especially when you travel to a new country or if you plan to move there. Illnesses that may not be present in your community now can be prevalent in your new home, and it’s important that you have everything covered before you go. Before you do anything else, make an appointment with your doctor. Get a general health checkup (if you haven’t had one already this year), and go over your history to check your immunization status. Some things to consider at your visit: Boosters you may need (like the tetanus shot, which is only good for five ...

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5 Steps to Organizing a Garage Sale Before Moving

Organizing a garage sale becomes much less stressful with a little preparation. Getting prepared to move is a stressful affair, and organizing a garage sale on top of that can seem a monumental task. Finding new schools, the possibility of a new job, and forwarding your mail, bills, and utilities are all things that can overwhelm your already full schedule. Then, there is the packing. How do you begin to pack up your whole life for the big move overseas? Do you really need to take along that old chair you’ve had since college? The longer you have lived somewhere, the more stuff you are likely to have accumulated. It can be daunting to look through your rooms and imagine ...

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How to Successfully Relocate Your Office Abroad

Relocating a North American company overseas can be beneficial financially, but also requires a great deal of upfront effort. As you plan to relocate your corporation overseas, you’ll need to be sure to take care of the following important steps: Choose a Location When choosing a location for your company’s new home, it is crucial that you pay careful attention to the services and amenities that are available. Ideally, you’ll be able to strike the perfect balance between the things your business needs and the things your employees or principles want. While scouting out your new digs, consider the following things: How is the infrastructure in the area? Will you be able to conduct operations efficiently? Is the place you’re ...

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The art of shipping a classic boat trans-Atlantic – What you need to know

An overseas move or long-term relocation can be a daunting undertaking – especially if you choose to move your classic boat overseas as well. However, when you don’t have the time or the inclination to actually sail your boat or have someone sail it for you across the Atlantic, an international boat freighting service will do the job of arranging for your classic boat’s safe passage. The most economical way to ship your boat is as freight aboard a larger vessel such as a container ship or some other type of cargo ship. Even larger yachts can be shipped as sea freight between ports with the right amount of preparation and planning. If you’ve never shipped a boat before, you ...

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Finding Your Way in London's Post Codes

The postcodes of London are a notorious fixation for Londoners. Decades of pomposity have centered on whether an area of residence has a postcode respected by the upper classes of London society or not.  Home prices in the capital are mostly expressed by locale and Londoners frequently pay over and beyond property values to acquire a home in a desirable post code.  Before the implementation of postal codes, London’s mail was typically addressed unclearly and it was uncertain whether or not mail would arrive on time, if at all.  When the population grew in the 1800s, it became necessary to have a more organized system and government officials made reforms. However, delivery issues persisted until one day when a former ...

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